Monday, March 9, 2009

Senility Will Have to Wait...

Jerry Jones did the unthinkable. Yep - he cut Terrell Owens. For most teams and General Managers, cutting T.O. seems like a logical step in the right direction. Jerry Jones is not like "most" General Managers.

He might as well have created the "any publicity is good publicity" belief system. Publicity is like a bug-zapper...and Jerry is like a bug. He sees the light - and despite the fact that his buddies are all laying lifeless near the zapper's base - Jerry just can't help himself. Throughout his career, Jerry has refused to give in...until recently.

That's right, folks. Put up your Al Davis jumpsuits because senility will have to wait another day. Jerry surprisingly went against his risk-taker intuition and sacrificed the spotlight in an effort to improve on-the-field performance. Crazy idea.

Was T.O. the only Dallas problem? Of course not. But isn't one broken leg better than two (unless...oh never mind, let's just keep this simple).

Jerry listened to the smart people that he has surrounded himself with and made the right call. It couldn't have been easy - but Jerry - I'm proud of you.