Sunday, March 29, 2009

Great Injustice

This week on 105.3 The FAN, Ben and Skin will be discussing the "Top 5 Injustices" that have occurred within our lifetime. Well, it may not be that extensive, but the week will revolve around injustices that have taken place within the world of sports, pop culture, the media, etc...

In preparation, my "Fab 5" are as follows:

5. Paul Blart - Mall Cop
• Ranked as the #1, box-office movie for more than 2 weeks in a row
• Seriously – I don’t care if it was January in a “slow” movie time or not, Paul F’n Blart making $147+ million has convinced me that the apocalypse is near!

4. Nebraska playing in the BCS Championship in 2001…Nebraska:
• didn’t win its conference…
• was ranked 4th in the nation
• somehow jumped Colorado - a team that they were beaten by during the season – only to get destroyed by Miami

3. Paris Hilton
• Nothing specific – just the fact that we all know who she is
• Paris is famous…because she is famous? She has now joined forces with Paul Blart in nearly forcing me to take my own life

2. Arrested Development getting canceled while:
• My Name is Earl and Survivor continue to dull America with mundane ideas

1. Puck being kicked off Real World San Francisco
• Puck was probably the best reality character in the history of reality tv. The guy was funny, entertaining and simply had no filter. The peanut-butter scene will live in infamy. Yes, he was stupid, but this was before it was “cool” to be stupid. He was original.

1a. Larry the Cable Guy making $30+ million in 2008
• Seriously – the “Cable Guy” is a character – but his audience is too ignorant to realize it
• He tried legit stand-up as himself (Dan Whitney) – and it failed. Instead, he created a stupid, unoriginal simpleton character to appeal to idiocy...and it freakin worked!
• Larry the Cable Guy is making millions and guys like Bill Hicks were forced to be “cult icons,” because the “majority” can’t handle anything that actually has substance.
• "Get-R-Done" is Latin for "The End is Near."

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