Sunday, November 23, 2008

DSK Hot Stove Exclusive! Email leaked from 4 Yawkey Way

Hey Jon,

Good to hear from you, dude. Tough day yesterday ~ I couldn't make it over to the stadium for the game, but that didn't stop me from losing another bet to that jerk Hill. You gotta be happy with how the Big Red are playing in the ECAC though, huh?

Anyhow. Yeah, that guy Edes is pretty funny. (Not as funny as his CHB, though.) Why people still put any credence in his writing after he was gullible enough to report that Marie and I got married at a Nathan's Famous hot dog stand at Coney Island is beyond me.

So, yeah. The pieces are starting to fall into place, and we'll talk after Thanksgiving. I sent Edes an email yesterday telling him that our family's going to sit down to a main course of cholent and gefilte instead of turkey ~ I told him it's a Lenny Bruce thing. "Fish, kishka, and horseradish? Very Jewish. Turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce? Very goyish."

You know what I'm talking about, right?

Anyhow, yeah, we'll touch base on the other side of December. Your guys are hugely overvaluing Byrd. You don't have a prayer of getting both Masterson and Bowden in that deal, so give it up.

By the way: I was bored at work Friday afternoon, so I surfed over to that guy Newberg's board. Lots of talk over there about how you screwed, raped, and spanked me in the Gagne trade. Besides it being silly ~ where do these people get their ideas about how GMs operate? ~ it's kind of sick, you know? Eventually Jack's gonna be old enough to read that stuff about his old man, and you know how the interwebs are. Could you maybe say something to Newberg? I know you two are tight.

OK, I got to go practice me some guitar. There's a chance that Vampire Weekend could invite me to play with them at a charity gig early 2009 ~ something like that Music for Democracy thing they did last month. Sweet!

Love to Robyn and Lincoln,

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